Dare to Decide – Soren Kierkegaard
...In the end, the archenemy of decision is cowardice. Cowardice is
constantly at work trying to break off the good agreement of decision
with eternity...…Indeed, decision is something truly great; the life of
eternity shines over decision. But the light of eternity does not shine
every decision. Decision may be once and for all; but decision itself is
the first thing. Genuine decision is always eager to change its clothes
and get
down to practical matters. The real significance of decision is that it
us an inner connection. Decision gets us on our way, and here there are
longer little things. Decision lays its demanding hand on us from start
finish. Cowardice, on the other hand, wants only to concern itself with
really important, big things, not in order to carry something out
wholeheartedly but to be flattered by doing something that is noble and
Yet hiding behind the exalted is nothing but an excuse for not
conquering all
the little things one has omitted, simply because they were little.
Therefore, don’t be fooled. It may well be that with great
decisions others will marvel at you. All the same, you miss the one thing that
is needful. You may be honored in this life, remembered by monuments set up in
your honor, but God will say to you: “You unhappy person. Why did you not
choose the better path? Confess your weakness and face it.”
Perhaps just in this weakness God will meet you and come to your
aid. This much is certain: the greatest thing each person can do is to give
himself to God utterly and unconditionally – weaknesses, fears, and all. For
God loves obedience more than good intentions or second-best offerings, which
are all too often made under the guise of weakness.
Therefore, dare to renew your decision. It will lift you up again
to have trust in God. For God is a spirit of power and love and self-control,
and it is before God and for him that every decision is to be made. Dare to act
on the good that lies buried within your heart. Confess your decision and do
not go ashamed with downcast eyes as if you were treading on forbidden ground. If
you are ashamed of your own imperfections, then cast your eyes down before God,
not man. Better yet, in weakness decide and go forth!