If it were possible, even the elect would be deceived

Just a couple of months ago, former Israeli president Shimon Peres met with Pope Francis and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. At that meeting, Peres suggested that a ” United Nations of Religion,” be formed to combat modern-day wars which seem almost exclusively to be fought in the name of God.  http://blogs.reuters.com/faithworld/2014/09/05/shimon-peres-floats-idea-of-u-n-style-united-religions-with-pope-francis/

He further suggested that the Pope head this organisation because “he is perhaps the only leader who is truly respected”. I would like you to ponder the ramifications of such a union in light of the times in which we live and the Scriptural fact that a whore church will emerge in the end days which will swallow up all religions and nations. There were no details given as to how such an organisation would work or what kind of authority it would have. Ponder again if you will, the three major religions of the world united, Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

What would the argument sound like coming from the scholars and theologians and clerics of these religions in order to establish such a group? I believe that they would take the people back to Abraham. They will show, rightfully, that all three groups can trace their roots back to Abraham. They will argue that we should focus on what unites us rather than what divides us. They will say that we are all one family of God and that although we disagree over Muhammad and Jesus, we all agree on God. Some call him God, others Allah and still others Yahweh, but He is the one God of us all. So the emphasis must be on God alone and while some favor Muhammad and others Jesus, we must cease to speak of these names in public because they have caused so much troubles and wars in the past and in the present.

This will gain some traction especially amongst the liberals of the three main religions. The secular portion of each of these religions and secular society will hail it as the way forward, yet the ” hardliners,” or ” fundamentalists” of each of these groups will reject it out of hand. As groups such as ISIS continue to appear with all of their horrific crimes of butchery on view for all the world to watch on YouTube, a growing revulsion will spread around the world.

Yet I believe that a catalyst will propel the united nations of religions to the forefront of politics and world power. Lets say tomorrow there is an attack by Muslim extremists on multiple cities. New York, Washington, London, Paris Rome and Moscow are hit simultaneously with nuclear suitcase bombs. Rather than the three thousand dead of 9/11, there is one hundred thousand dead in each city. The world is repulsed and is brought together because of this great tragedy. Fundamentalists of all stripes are universally condemned and outlawed. To state publicly that there is only one true religion, only one way to heaven, becomes illegal. Such people are denounced as those who have caused all the troubles in the world. They are seen as a cancer on society which society must rid itself of.

The world church will step in to give leadership and guidance to the Peoples of the world but also to advice the governments. They will identify the radicals within their ” own ranks.” There will be a call to denounce all fundamentalists in all its many shapes and forms. Christians who believe the Bible as infallible will be counted in the same ranks as the extremist. The notion that there is only one way to heaven through Jesus Christ will be counted as hate speech. Those who do not acknowledge that all religions have equal worth and validity will be considered enemies of the state and a menace to society. From there it shall only get worse.

Now we know brothers and sisters that if it were possible, in the end of ages, even the elect could be deceived. Do not be deceived. Hold fast to the truth no matter what unfolds. All of the promises of the first three chapters of Revelation are to those who overcome and endure to the end. The saints shall certainly endure, they will persevere. They will have to be willing to give up everything that they have. Their positions in society will be gone, much like the Jewish people in the 30s under the Nazis. Then their freedoms shall be taken from them, but not the freedom that was wrought for them on Calvary. No power in the universe can take us out of the hand of God. We may be the generation that sees these things unfold. Be ready saints. Now is the time to pray and to press in close to the Lord. Hold the things of this world loosely for we may be asked to give them up soon. The Lord promises that He will never leave nor forsake His own. Hos grace will be sufficient in that day. You will have troubles in this world but be of good cheer, for our Lord has overcome the world.


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