And hell pours forth its fury-ISIS
Below is an article written by a dear brother in the Lord ,
Robert Taylor. He is a missionary in Mexico and a dear faithful brother. Robert
highlights the fact that ISIS, now the well-known evil group of terror in Iraq
and Syria, is also the name of an ancient pagan Goddess. And not just any pagan
Goddess, she is still worshipped today all over the world in pagan and occultic
circles. She is the Goddess of magic, but more importantly in those circles she
is the mother of Osirus. Using her magic she is supposed to have resurrected
him from the dead. There is an ancient image of ISIS suckling her son Horus.
This image was later co-opted by early Catholicism to represent Mary suckling
Now if ISIS represents evil and resurrection, what exactly is being resurrected in this group? Every now and then in history, the bowels of hell open up and evil is vomited onto the land. Not just the ordinary evil that man is so capable of, but a particular demonic evil that takes over groups and sometimes nations in a great tidal wave of hell itself. Nazi Germany is a great example of this. In an interview for a documentary on the rise of Hitler, one regular German woman put it like this. " There was something in the atmosphere and we all breathed it in." I want you to ponder that.
The prince of the power of the air comes down and soaks the atmosphere at certain times. Now, there is a time coming, such as we have never seen before. Is that time now, as brother Robert hints at? Perhaps. Is it the group ISIS that represents the coming great evil such as the world has never seen before? Perhaps. Or, is there something yet to come that is so terrible that our minds cannot even conceive it? Now, all of these events have the same source, yet when the prince of the power of the air comes down in the time just prior to the return of Jesus, there will be something so intoxicating in the air that most will breathe it in, in fact, if it were possible, even the elect would do so, such is the deception.
This is why I do not believe that the group ISIS will be that force, it may be a pre-currsor to it and a microcosm of it and an insight into the sheer madness and evil that is to come that will overtake the whole world , much like Hitler and the Nazis were but not the " main act," so to speak. The great evil yet to come will not come from blatant Barbarians, which is what ISIS is and the whole world can see that. No, the great evil to come will be perpetrated by the civilized world and cheered on by that world as it goes about its business of killing every genuine saint on the earth..........bro Frank
Robert Taylor-ISIS............
Recently the entire world was shocked as a group of Islamic extremist people calling themselves ISIS, (which stands for Islamic state of Iraq and Syria) seemingly came out of nowhere and spread out across the countries of Iraq and Syria destroying and devouring everything in their path. Nothing stood before them. They were like a biblical plague of locusts devouring everything in their path. This group of people who calls themselves ISIS is the most evil group of people who has ever arose on the stage of history bar none.
I read an article on the internet recently written by someone whose name I have forgotten. In the article the person put forth the question. "can a human being only fall to a certain level of depravity and cannot go any lower without the super natural help of a demon"? It is an interesting question, and my take on it is, that although the human race is fallen and totally depraved, mortal man is not capable of committing certain acts that goes beyond depravity without the direct intervention of a demon from hell. I believe that Hitler had to have been demon possessed in order to do what he did. What he did goes beyond what a human being is capable of doing. Then we have Stalin, Pol Pot of Cambodia, and a host of others.
This brings me back to the question of "who, or what, is this group of Islamic people who calls themselves "ISIS" that are storming over the countries of Iraq and Syria devouring and destroying everything in their path like a plague of locusts" I believe that the bible has a clear answer to this question. I would like to point out at this point that the letters ISIS stands for "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria", but it is also the name of the Egyptian false goddess Isis that witch covens and other heathen groups all over the world reverence and pay homage to in their satanic rituals. I don't believe that it is a coincidence that these two names are linked together.
This Islamic group ISIS seemingly appeared out of nowhere on August 8th 2014 when they invaded the city of Monsul Iraq, which happens to be the old ancient city of Niniveh which the prophet Jonah in the bible preached in. They systematically killed, or otherwise drove out every single Christian in that city. The Christian community of Monsul has been residing in that city for 2,000 years, and in less than one week these demonic people called ISIS eliminated them to the last person, a people who have inhabited that city since the beginning of Christianity. This brings me to the point of revealing who I think this ISIS bunch is, and where the world is headed at breakneck speed.
I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the 5th trumpet of the book of Revelation has blown. I am not going to get in the controversy of when someone thinks the rapture will take place. Believe what you want concerning the rapture date. I am pointing out biblical evidence that the 5th Trumpet of the book of Revelation has blown.
Now let's turn in our bibles to the 9th chapter of the book of Revelation. I am not going to expound on every verse in the chapter here, but only on the verses that covers the subject we are discussing here. Read the entire chapter yourself to get the overall context of the message of the chapter. In verse number 1 we read of the 5th Angel sounding his trumpet, and a "star" falling from heaven. I think everyone can agree that the star mentioned here is in fact an Angel. The scripture says that, "the key to the bottomless pit was given to him".
In verse 2 he opens the bottomless pit and a smoke so great that it darkens the sun arose out of the bottomless pit. I don't think anyone can deny that a horrible darkness has enveloped the entire world, particularly the middle east.
Verse 3 tells us that locusts came out of the smoke, and power was given to them as, "the scorpions of the earth have power." A careful reading of Ezekiel 2:6 tells us very plainly that the word "scorpion" in the bible is referring to very evil men. Now let's skip down to verses 7, 8, and 9. As I said before, I am only pulling out the verses that identify who these "locusts" are, and thereby who these people who call themselves ISIS are.
1. They appear as horses prepared for battle. A war-horse in ancient times was good for nothing but war. They were no good for working, nor were they used for transportation. They only knew war. This is a pretty good description of these ISIS people.
2. There were "crowns like gold on their heads". A gold crown represents a kingdom. The sole purpose of these ISIS people is to set up an Islamic kingdom. A world-wide Caliphate is their goal, a revival of the Ottoman Empire on a world-wide scale.
3. They have "faces of men" in other words these locust that came out of the bottomless pit are evil men, that are devouring and destroying on such a scale that the bible calls them locust.
4. They have the"hair of women". I did a google on this and discovered that most devout muslims in Africa
and the middle east wear their hair in long locks that they call
"deadlocks". The tradition comes from Mohamed himself that wore his
hair in four long locks that hung down to his shouders.
5.Teeth of Lions
6. Breastplates of iron
7. "wings"
These 3 things identify them as mighty men of war, very fierce, and nearly unstoppable, moving very fast across the land. With this information I think the only conclusion that we can come to is these "locusts" out of the pit of hell are a group of very evil men whose goal is to set up a kingdom on this earth, ruled by a group of people that they can only be described as "beast" in other parts of the bible.
If what is happening in the middle east right now is not the blowing of the 5th Trumpet, then someone will have to tell me what in the world is happening over there. What is transpiring over there right now is not on the natural plane. It is super natural. It has to fit in scripture somewhere, and the blowing of the 5th Trumpet fits perfectly. Shalom to all. See you in the New Jerusalem soon.