I love me too – Paul Washer

God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Many times this is accompanied by an explanation of all that Jesus can do for the person; fix their life, their marriage, their finances, their self-esteem. So you walk up to – what we know about a sinner; he is self-centered, he is autonomous, he wants to do his own thing, he has his own dreams, and he is in love with himself – so you walk up to this man and say,

“God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life”.

And he goes, “What! God loves me? That’s fantastic, I love me too! Well this is wonderful! And you are saying that He loves me more than I love me? Now that sounds impossible. How can anyone have such a great love? And God has a wonderful plan for my life? I have a wonderful plan for my life too! And you’re telling me that if I accept this Jesus he will help me with all my wonderful plans and that I can have my best life now?”


“Well then I’ll take a God like that! Do you got two of them?”


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