
Showing posts from February, 2015

HOW REVIVAL STARTED! - 1904 - Azusa Street by Frank Bartleman

... We had been praying for a sweeping revival for Pasadena. God was answering our prayers. I found a wonderful work of the Spirit going on at Lake Avenue. The altar was full of seeking souls. There was no big preacher there. One night nearly every unsaved soul in the house got saved. It was a clean sweep for God. Conviction was mightily upon the people. In two weeks´ time two hundred souls knelt at the altar, seeking the Lord. The Peniel boys were underneath, and wonderfully used of God. We then began to pray for an outpouring of the Spirit for Los Angeles and the whole of Southern California. I find the following observations in my diary, written at that time: "Some Holiness churches (foremost at that time) are going to be surprised to find God passing them by. He will work in channels where they will yield to him. They must humble themselves for Him to come. We are crying, `Pasadena for God!´ The people are too well satisfied with their own goodness. They have little f...

Sekilas tentang Kharismatik

Banyak orang berpikir perbedaan antara Kharismatik dengan Injili  adalah style music mereka, tapi ini tidak tepat karena anda bisa menjadi seorang Kharismatik tanpa menyanyikan lagu-lagu praise and worship full band seperti sekarang ini. Berbicara tentang worship style, beribadah dengan melompat-lompat, itu bisa berasal dari culture yang ada belakangan ini tapi itu tidak menunjukkan bahwa itu Kharismatik. Ada beberapa komunitas kharismatik yang ibadahnya tanpa memakai alat musik salah satu alasannya karena takut apa yang dinamakan “penyembahan” melalui musik melampaui realitas penyembahan kehidupan mereka sebenarnya kepada Tuhan, atau takut cuma emosi saja. Mungkin juga banyak yang mengaitkan Kharismatik dengan teologi kemakmuran tapi ini juga tidak tepat karena banyak orang-orang Kharismatik / Pentakosta yang mengkritik habis-habisan pengajaran ini. Salah satu dari yang terkenal seperti David Wilkerson. Saya pernah mendengar komunitas Kharismatik yang memilih menjadi misk...

Calvinism vs Arminianism and Wise Advice from Tozer

I was preparing to go to Nyack College. Before I left there was one burning question I had in mind, and I went to Dr. Tozer and said, "Could you give me some advice concerning the problem of Calvinism versus Arminianism?" And I'll never forget the advice he gave me. At the time I thought it was rather inconclusive and not too helpful. But I listened carefully. He said, "My son, when you get to college you're going to find that all of the boys will be gathered in a room discussing and arguing over Arminianism and Calvinism night after night after night. I'll tell you what to do, Cliff. “Go to your room and meet God. At the end of four years you'll be way down the line and they'll still be where they started”, because greater minds than yours have wrestled with this problem and have not come up with satisfactory conclusions. Instead, learn to know God."   (Cliff Westergren)

Just for Thee - Annie Johnson Flint

Not for peace and not for power, Not for joy and not for light, Not for truth and not for knowledge, Not for courage in the fight, Not for strength to do Thee service– Not for these my prayer shall be; Not for any gifts or graces, But for Thee, Lord, just for Thee. Make me lonely for Thy presence, Every earthly friend above; Make me thirst for Thine indwelling, Make me hungry for Thy love; Till in full and free surrender I shall yield my life to Thee, Only then, in full perfection, Canst Thou give Thyself to me. All the beauty that I seek for, Every treasure I would own, Thou art these in rich completeness, They are found in Thee alone; All the loveliness I long for, All the best that I would be, I can never find them elsewhere Than in Thee, Lord, just in Thee. Empty me of all my glory, All my boasting, all my pride; Let my righteousness, my wisdom, On Thy cross be crucified; Fill me, then, with all Thy fullness, All Th...