
Showing posts from September, 2014

For Us and These – Amy Carmichael

Christ our Captain, hear our prayer:    Warriors we ask of Thee, Comrades who shall everywhere    Stand for love and loyalty; Servants who with souls aflame,    Kindled from Thine altar fire, Live to magnify Thy name,    Live to meet Thy least desire; Lovers who in love abide    In the Secret Place of rest, Yielded to be crucified   That Thy life be manifest; Laborers who joyfully   Choose rewards unseen today. Cause us, o our Lord,   to be    Like to these for whom we pray.

Thy Kingdom come - Amy Carmichael

"Thy Kingdom come, King of Eternity"; We bring this prayer of Dew and Fire to Thee. The hearts of men are failing them for fear; But we lift up our heads, for Thou art near. Though lamps of earth are darkened one by one, Thy stars abide. Thy holy will be done. Though smoke of earth becloudeth blue of skies, Like tongue of flame, this prayer of prayers shall rise; And as it riseth, life's confusions pass; Down falleth peace, like dew upon the grass. And yet our prayer still burneth up to Thee: "Thy Kingdom come, King of Eternity."

And hell pours forth its fury-ISIS

Below is an article written by a dear brother in the Lord , Robert Taylor. He is a missionary in Mexico and a dear faithful brother. Robert highlights the fact that ISIS, now the well-known evil group of terror in Iraq and Syria, is also the name of an ancient pagan Goddess. And not just any pagan Goddess, she is still worshipped today all over the world in pagan and occultic circles. She is the Goddess of magic, but more importantly in those circles she is the mother of Osirus. Using her magic she is supposed to have resurrected him from the dead. There is an ancient image of ISIS suckling her son Horus. This image was later co-opted by early Catholicism to represent Mary suckling Jesus. Now if ISIS represents evil and resurrection, what exactly is being resurrected in this group? Every now and then in history, the bowels of hell open up and evil is vomited onto the land. Not just the ordinary evil that man is so capable of, but a particular demonic evil that takes over groups...