
Showing posts from May, 2011

A Hymn by Wacthman Nee

How vast, immense, and measureless The love of Christ to me! How else could such a wretch as I Be blessed so graciously? To bring me back unto Himself, My Lord His all did spend; So I would gladly bear the cross And follow to the end. My all I have forsaken now, This blessed Christ to gain; Now life or death is no concern- What else can me restrain? My dear ones, wealth, ambition, fame- What can they offer me? My gracious Lord for me was poor; For Him I poor would be. My precious Savior now I love, Him only would I please. For Him all gain a loss becomes, And comfort holds no ease. Thou art my comfort, gracious Lord! I've none in heav'n but Thee. And who but Thee is there on earth With whom I love to be? Though loneliness and trials come, My griefs I'd rise above, This only would I ask Thee, Lord: Surround me with Thy love! O gracious Lord, I now beseech, Guide me through every stage; Stand by and strengthen me to go Through this dark, evil age. The world, the flesh, and Sa...

THY WAY, NOT MINE, O LORD - Horatius Bonar

Thy way, not mine, O Lord, However dark it be; Lead me by Thine own hand, Choose out the path for me. Smooth let it be or rough, It will be still the best; Winding or straight, it leads Right onward to Thy rest. I dare not choose my lot; I would not, if I might; Choose Thou for me, my God, So I shall walk aright. Take Thou my cup, and it With joy or sorrow fill, As best to Thee may seem; Choose Thou my good and ill. Choose Thou for me my friends, My sickness or my health; Choose Thou my cares for me My poverty or wealth. The kingdom that I seek Is Thine: so let the way That leads to it be Thine, Else I must surely stray. Not mine, not mine the choice In things or great or small; Be Thou my guide, my strength My wisdom, and my all.


Tulisan ini terinspirasi oleh kotbahnya Mas Heru semalam ‘’Jangan lepaskan kepercayaanmu, sebab besar upah yang menantinya.’’ Jangan berhenti, walaupun engkau sudah merasa berhak untuk menjadi putus asa. Yusuf dan Abraham lebih berhak untuk merasa putus asa daripadamu Jangan berhenti, kalau hidupmu sangat sepi dan sangat sedikit orang yang mengerti apa yang kau pikirkan. Semua nabi-nabi dan orang-orang kudus di sepanjang zaman mengalami hal yang sama. Jangan kecewa kalau kau mendapati orang-orang yang kau sangka teman seperjuangan ternyata mereka hanya berpura pura saja. Jangan kecewa terhadap mereka, karena mungkin mereka belum pernah melihat keindahan Tuhanmu, berdoalah bagi mereka. Jangan berputus asa terhadap gereja, karena disana kau mendapati terlalu banyak orang yang mengklaim diri mereka anak-anak terang tapi sebenarnya anak-anak kegelapan. Jangan berputus asa, kalau kau menemukan banyak orang munafik disana, tapi tunjukanlah kalau dirimu tidak munafik da...