The True Gospel and The False
By : Zac Poonen Christians are generally speaking, categorized into two groups as follows: (1) "Roman Catholics" and "Protestants" - depending on birth. (2) "Episcopal"(conformist) and "Free church" (non-conformist) - depending on church-pattern. (3) "Born again Christians" and "Nominal Christians" - depending on an "experience"; (4) "Evangelicals" and "Liberals" - depending on doctrine. (5) "Charismatics" and "Non-charismatics" - depending on "speaking in tongues". (6) "Full-time Christian workers" and "Secular workers" - depending on profession. There could be other such categorizations too. But none of these categorizations deal with the root of the problem that our Lord came to solve. Many know that "Christ died for our sins" (1 Cor.15:3). But many do not know that the Bible says that Christ also died "that we should no longer li...