
Showing posts from January, 2016

A word to encourage the saints

To be filled with the Spirit of God is to have come through feelings, disturbance, anxiety, disappointments and emptiness. When you reach that place of despair, when you have gone to the last person and you have written the last editor, when you have followed the last evangelist around, and hunted down the last fellow to counsel with you-when no man can help you anymore and you are in a state of inward despair-this is when you will recognize that you are near the place where God can finally do what He wants to do for you. When there comes that despair with self, that emptying out of you and that inner loneliness, you are getting close.(Tozer) This is the most difficult place for the saint on the journey home. Tozer says it well, you are getting closer. When all the world has lost its appeal to you When you find yourself wandering in the wasteland dunes of anxiety and emptiness and disappointments, know that God is near. You must know it for you will not feel it. Keep walking saint...

Masih Adakah Pewahyuan Sekarang Ini?

BAB I PENDAHULUAN Manusia tidak dapat mengenal Allah kecuali jika Allah menyatakan diri-Nya kepada manusia terlebih dahulu. Pada umumnya para teolog injili mempunyai tiga konsep bagaimana Allah membuat diri-Nya dikenal manusia dan bagaimana Dia memberikan pengetahuan itu ke dalam hati manusia dengan melalui tiga kata yang sering dipakai secara bergantian yaitu: pewahyuan, inspirasi dan iluminasi. Dari ketiga kata ini mungkin yang sering menjadi perdebatan adalah kata pewahyuan, dimana persoalannya adalah apakah pewahyuan masih ada saat ini atau tidak. Kebanyakan kalangan injili seperti John MacArthur berpendapat pewahyuan sudah tidak ada lagi karena pewahyuan Allah sudah lengkap sekarang [1] dimana kanon alkitab sudah selesai pada tahun 404 sewaktu tersusunnya alkitab vulgate yang berbahasa latin. [2] Argumen utama yang dia berikan adalah serupa dengan argumen cessationism yaitu alkitab sudah lengkap sehingga tidak ada lagi nubuatan, bahasa lidah dan sebagainya. [3] Dan di ...

A Prophetic Word from Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“The messengers of Jesus will be hated to the end of time. They will be blamed for all the divisions which rend cities and homes. Jesus and his disciples will be condemned on all sides for undermining family life, and for leading the nation astray; they will be called crazy fanatics and disturbers of the peace. The disciples will be sorely tempted to desert their Lord. But the end is also near, and they must hold on and persevere until it comes. Only he will he blessed who remains loyal to Jesus and his word until the end. But when the end comes, the hostility towards Jesus and his disciples will be made manifest the whole world over, and only then must the messengers flee from city to city, in order that they may proclaim the Word where it can still find a hearing. If they run away then, they will not be running away from the Word, but holding fast to it. The Christian will be hounded from place to place, subjected to physical assault, maltreatment and death of every kind. We are...

Rejoice In Suffering by Francis Chan
