You Know What is Restraining – Reggie Kelly
2 Thes. 2:6 And you know what is restraining… My view is a bit unique on 2 Thes 2:6, and not critical to our position. It follows Paul’s main point of correction, that the Day of the Lord cannot come before the prior revelation of the Man of Sin. In my reading, the “what” that is holding back in verse 6 is this necessarily preceding event. After reviewing the order of events, Paul says, “and now you know what withholds.” What withholds what? I believe Paul is saying that the necessary prior revelation of the Man of Sin is withholding (holding back) the Day of the Lord. Paul has just reviewed with the Thessalonians the very order of events of which he informed them at his earlier visit. “Do you not remember that when I was with you, I told you these things.” Commentators plead modest ignorance of what it might have been that Paul told the Thessalonians at his first visit. But this seems no mystery at all. He told them then what he is telling them now again, i.e., that the Antic...